January 4, 2006

appeared on a magazine! (雑誌のったゼ)

a happy new year!

I should say thank you for all of my friend and you.

I hope to keep a lot kind of the relationship as last year.

in last year, not only I changed my occupation, but I made a chair privately.

In end of the year, my designed chair appeared on a website and magazine.

one is JDN.

the website is famous in informations and reports about design and that’s events in japan.

and one of the writer, Akiko Kuroda-san continue to write reports about japanese design festival.

Today, Japanese funiture market remains quite active but the distributor is in Europe.

and Europe funiture exhibitions is very important more than Japanese exhibitions for japanese designer.

but Kuroda-san show us distinctive japanese funitures and events.

She explain about my chair in her tokyo designer’s week’s report.


and appeared at Shoten-Kenchiku too.

the magazine is famous about Shop interior design and archtecture.

if you need to know about Japanese Shop archtecture, that’s very different from other country and that’s mixture of Europe, US, Asia, traditional Japanese and latest trend, you should check the magazine.

Shioda-san is Writer/Editor @ Shoten-kenchiku wrote about design event at tokyo, and mantioned my chair with the picture.


Thank you, Kuroda-san and Shioda-san.

and thank you every one!

I hope your best at this year too.

I’ll keep to talk about my chair in next my articles.








